FIN 320 Final Project Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric

author avatar September 5th, 2024 / admin / 0 comments FIN 320 Final Project Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric Overview This milestone is the first in a series of connected assignments leading up to your Final Project. In Milestone One, you’ll analyze and evaluate a business’s financial health and recommend financing options that can improve it. Use the Final Project Business Options List to choose […]

List and explain some of the challenges that managers face from both inside their own organization and external factors that may impact the acquisition or alliance.

author avatar September 5th, 2024 / admin / 0 comments List and explain some of the challenges that managers face from both inside their own organization and external factors that may impact the acquisition or alliance. Find an example of a merger, successful or unsuccessful, and compare your list of challenges to the ones that they faced. What differences did you find? What similarities did […]

How do you determine organizational readiness to implement change in your practice or organization?

author avatar September 5th, 2024 / admin / 0 comments How do you determine organizational readiness to implement change in your practice or organization? Are the individuals committed to making the change? Are they confident in the impact of the change? Are they prepared to face challenges? The answers to these questions, and others, may provide insight into the readiness of an organization to implement […]

EBP 2024 week 3-5 Blog: Defining and Refining the Problem

author avatar September 5th, 2024 / admin / 0 comments Defining and Refining the Problem You have now spent 3 full weeks working on an identified practice problem. You have spent time with your team and preceptor at your practicum site, and you have begun to evaluate the scope of the problem and need for change. Based on your experiences in these first 4 weeks, […]

Topic for Session 2: Computational Thinking

author avatar September 5th, 2024 / admin / 0 comments Discussion questions and points are based on the assigned discussion readings for the session and due Tuesday of each week: use the assignment submission link to submit your discussion questions/points. Here is the template to download. Download Here is the template to download.The template is the same for each session. (Click here for an example […]

Describe how the transtheoretical model might apply to smoking cessation with Jao’s scenario.

author avatar September 5th, 2024 / admin / 0 comments Keeping Ella’s scenario in mind, use the theory of planned behavior and the theory of reasoned action to explain influenza vaccine uptake for her children. Explain how specific constructs in these theories contribute to a better understanding of why one person seeks vaccination while another does not. Describe different sources of information to support understanding […]

MC is a Hispanic 53 y/o Mexican female dialysis patient.

author avatar September 5th, 2024 / admin / 0 comments MC is a Hispanic 53 y/o Mexican female dialysis patient. She is an undocumented immigrant whose dialysis should be three times a week but because of her legal status, she gets dialysis coming through the Emergency Department once or twice a week only. She lives with her husband and two adult children taking turns with […]


author avatar September 5th, 2024 / admin / 0 comments You are required to submit the Appendix A PET Process Guide document that details your goals for the term and gives dates for when you will accomplish each goal. To obtain a grade of Satisfactory for your enrollment in this course, you must show continued progress towards completion of the DNP project. Completing the requirements […]

How do layout and process design impact efficiency?

author avatar September 5th, 2024 / admin / 0 comments How do layout and process design impact efficiency? Analyze and discuss present-day assembly line balancing. Analyze and discuss U-shaped and virtual manufacturing cells. What purpose do service scapes play in retail operations? How do signs, symbols, and artifacts play a role in service-based layouts?

Biopsychosocial and Treatment Plan: Schizophrenia and Dissociative Disorders

author avatar September 5th, 2024 / admin / 0 comments For this assignment you will complete a biopsychosocial and treatment plan for a person presenting on the schizophrenic spectrum. Treating schizophrenia is different from some of the less serious mental illnesses because there is a multimodal component to treatment. Counselors must focus on whole-person stability, maintenance of functionality, and having a sense of productivity and […]

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