Segmentation, Cognitive Biases, and Effective Communications

author avatar September 7th, 2024 / admin / 0 comments “Segmentation, Cognitive Biases, and Effective Communication” (Personal/Professional Branding Assignment – 10% of Grade) As marketers, we need to understand our prospective buyers and recognize that not all buyers are the same, think the same, or respond the same way to our marketing efforts. Thus, an important skill we must master is our ability to segment […]

Week 4 Midweek Assignment: Mitosis

author avatar September 7th, 2024 / admin / 0 comments Week 4 Midweek Assignment: Mitosis Determining the Time Spent in Each Phase Using Whitefish Blastula A prepared microscope slide of whitefish blastula cross-sections will show cells arrested in various stages of the cell cycle. (Note: It is not visually possible to separate the stages of interphase from each other, but the mitotic stages are readily […]

Describe the behavior then explain how you would use positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement and punishment to reshape that behavior.

author avatar September 7th, 2024 / admin / 0 comments Write a 1-2 page paper addressing the following: Think of a behavior you engage in you would like to change. Describe the behavior then explain how you would use positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement and punishment to reshape that behavior. For the last part of the paper, write a paragraph or two describing how operant conditioning […]

Do sexually reproducing organisms have any advantages over asexually reproducing organisms?

author avatar September 7th, 2024 / admin / 0 comments Do sexually reproducing organisms have any advantages over asexually reproducing organisms? Explain, relating your answer to the Red Queen Hypothesis. Include an outside source (this could be your textbook) with your post.

Discuss whether it is ethical or unethical for advertisers to covertly condition consumers

author avatar September 7th, 2024 / admin / 0 comments Identify examples of advertisers using classical conditioning in their advertisements. Discuss whether it is ethical or unethical for advertisers to covertly condition consumers. Remember to explain and cite educational sources to support the ideas within the post. OR Classical conditioning basically refers to situations in which we learn that one event signals another event. Reflect […]

Develop a frame for the condition that needs to change by including a qualitative statement, a quantitative statement, and a justification-of-action statement along with a working intervention hypothesis

author avatar September 7th, 2024 / admin / 0 comments Designing and Building Support Develop a frame for the condition that needs to change by including a qualitative statement, a quantitative statement, and a justification-of-action statement along with a working intervention hypothesis. Refer to page 329 of your course text for more information. Assess critical functions and participants necessary to support the intervention by developing […]

SWK 5007 Family Treatment Plan

author avatar September 7th, 2024 / admin / 0 comments For this assignment, you will revisit The Case of Marie. You will assess the needs of all relevant family members and work out treatment goals that will best provide a positive outcome for the entire family. Use your previous assignment as a starting point; you can use resources used for that assignment as reference where […]

Identified Priority Issues for National

author avatar September 7th, 2024 / admin / 0 comments In this course, the assignments build on each other. You will select a health issue that is of national (U.S.) or global significance. Each week you will develop part of the final assignment, including explaining the health issue, doing an annotated bibliography about health policy related to this issue, and identifying a potential solution that […]

HIS 200 Writing Plan Progress Check 1 Guidelines and Rubric

author avatar September 7th, 2024 / admin / 0 comments HIS 200 Writing Plan Progress Check 1 Guidelines and Rubric Overview Throughout Modules One and Two, you have been guided through beginning your Project 1: Writing Plan assignment, which you will continue to work on in Modules Three and Four and formally submit for completion at the end of Module Four of the course. This […]

Assessing and Resolving Leadership Challenges

author avatar September 7th, 2024 / admin / 0 comments Discussion 1 – Assessing and Resolving Leadership Challenges What are we looking for in your initial response? We want thoughtful analysis that is supported by references to the reading material and other reputable sources supporting your work, viewpoint and thinking. A strong post features at least two academic references. Ensure you are writing at a […]

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