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Guidelines for Reading and Analyzing Literature

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Guidelines for Reading and Analyzing Literature The following is a list of some of the major elements and techniques of literature. Obviously, no one work of literature contains all of them (e.g., only a narrative has a plot). Decide which elements are used and which are given the most emphasis (and why) in the particular work you are analyzing. Is the Work Difficult to Read? If so why? Do you enjoy reading this work? Why or why not? What motivates you to read through to the end, or reread it (besides the fact that it may be required for a class)? Have you explored unfamiliar words in the dictionary? Decide whether the text was easy or difficult to read for a good reason: Does the simplicity of difficulty of the author’s theme or language contribute to the author’s message or does it seem either boring or unnecessarily obscure and complex? 1. Plot  What are the actions or events of the narrative and how are they presented? Are there major and minor events in the story? How are they related?  How does the passage of time function in the plot? Are the episodes in chronological order? If not, why not?  Are any later incidents foreshadowed early in the story? Are flashbacks used to fill in past events? If so, why?  What elements create suspense in the plot? Where is the climax (most intense action or point of highest emotional interest)?  Does the plot depend on chance or coincidence, or does it grow out of the personalities of the characters? Do events seem realistic or unrealistic (romantic or fantastic)?  What conflicts are dramatized? Are they internal conflicts (within the minds of people) or external conflicts (between individuals or between people and the world)? Are conflicts resolved at the end of the story? Is there a surprise ending? Is the ending satisfying to you as the reader? 2. Character  Are the characters believable (round and complex, like real people) or are they flat stereotypes? (Remember that literary characters are always fictional creations; they can never be as complex as real people.) Source:

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