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Week 3 assignment: Problems Children Face

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Week 3 assignment: Problems Children Face Week 3 assignment: Problems Children Face: – This assignment is due at the end Week 3. This assignment will allow you to choose one from six (6) problems children experience daily. 1. Video Game Addiction 2. Exposure to Violence at Home 3. Children and Substance Abuse 4. Cyberbullying (Online Bullying) 5. Children Watching Porn 6. Children and Eating Disorders Important. As you write your paper and save it to the computer, please save it as 307 YourLastName, FirstName 3. Use this format for all submitted assignments. It allows me to mass download the papers and in this format your work goes into the correct folder. When we get to the next assignment the three will change to a 5. Make sure you add a space after your first name. Week 3 Assignment: Problems Children Face Topic: In Assignment 1: You will choose one of the six (6)problems children experience daily. Describe the problem How common is this problem? Who is affected by the problem? What theories explain this problem? Has the problem changed over the last decade? How credible is the research you found related to this problem? Is there generally a consensus about the key aspects of the problems, or is there a lot of controversy? Number of published, peer-reviewed sources required; must all be published within the last 8 years Course Readings may be used as one of the resources. Do not use any direct quotes from any sources Three (3) Length required (not including title page and references Tables, graphs, charts, lists, figures, etc. may be used, however do not count toward the length requirement 900 words APA reference style required. See rubric American Psychological Association, most current edition Submission requirements Microsoft Word document submitted as attachment in Assignment Submission area. Do not attach to a Message or email, and do not paste into Submission text box.

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