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Based on the data provided in the case, what’s your analysis of the situation at Adhikari? Is the organization in trouble? If so, how big is the problem? Is the organization “doing fine?” That is, are all the data presented just symptoms of an organization that is young and growing?

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Based on the data provided in the case, what’s your analysis of the situation at Adhikari? Is the organization in trouble? If so, how big is the problem? Is the organization “doing fine?” That is, are all the data presented just symptoms of an organization that is young and growing?

Purpose of the Case

  1. To outline the steps involved in gathering, analyzing, diagnosing, and reporting on the functional health of an organization
  2. To convey the importance of defining and solidifying organizational leadership before beginning the change process.
This case is an attempt to address the gap in the literature regarding documented work in developmental organizations. Many of the issues and concerns addressed in this case are not peculiar to non-profit organizations but are germane to business organizations too. However, in developmental organizations, members are driven towards serving the societal purpose passionately. The passion that provides the motivation could also blind people towards the importance of internal workings, such as structure or coordination mechanisms, in the long run.


  1. Based on the data provided in the case, what’s your analysis of the situation at Adhikari? Is the organization in trouble? If so, how big is the problem? Is the organization “doing fine?” That is, are all the data presented just symptoms of an organization that is young and growing?
  2. Design the feedback meeting. What’s the purpose of the meeting, what’s the agenda, how will you present the data?
  3. What activities do you believe the Adhikar organization should take? What problems do you think these actions would solve?
Please respond to these questions collectively in an essay format.

Assignment Resource(s)

  • Nair, N., & Vohra, N. (2011). The case of OD in an NGO in India. The Journal of Management Development, 30(2), 148-159. Retrieved from

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