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Are you able to complete review assignment by 6/12/16 by 5:00 pm eastern time 2-3 pages

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Are you able to complete review assignment by 6/12/16 by 5:00 pm eastern time 2-3 pages

Requirements: 12 font double space , apa format, cites references, cover page, 

Instructions: Please copy and paste each question prior to answering question. Each question need to be at least 3-4 paragraphs complete sentances. proofread entire essay /review question before submitting. Please answer each question throughly as directed!!!

  • Respond to each item. Each response should be concise and between 2–3 paragraphs in length.
  • Use MS Word to write your responses, and submit your answers to all three questions in one Word document.
  • Copy and paste each question within the document, so that your Instructor can see which question you are responding to.
  1. Review the concepts of self-esteem and moral identity. Based on what you have learned in the text and your personal perspective, explain and defend whether you believe it is as important to help children develop a strong moral identity and base of values as it is to help children develop positive self-esteem.

  2. Review pages 240-242 in the course text. Describe a resilient child and explain how significant adults in children’s lives can help foster resilience.

  3. Review the different types of stressors for young children. Then write a scenario that describes a situation involving a preschool child who is experiencing a number of different stressors. Explain how an early childhood professional or another significant adult could help the child cope.

    Required Resources

    • Course Text:  Marion, M. (2015).  Guidance of young children  (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
      •  Chapter 7, “Self-Esteem and the Moral Self” (pp. 181-206)
      •  Chapter 8, “Feelings and Friends: Emotional and Social Competence” (pp. 207-237)
      •  Chapter 9, “Resilience and Stress in Childhood” (pp. 238-265)

    Optional Resources


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Paper format

  • 275 words per page
  • 12pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, CHicago/Turabian, Havard)

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Are you able to complete review assignment by 6/12/16 by 5:00 pm eastern time 2-3 pages

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275 words
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$ 0.00

Are you able to complete review assignment by 6/12/16 by 5:00 pm eastern time 2-3 pages

Requirements: 12 font double space , apa format, cites references, cover page, 

Instructions: Please copy and paste each question prior to answering question. Each question need to be at least 3-4 paragraphs complete sentances. proofread entire essay /review question before submitting. Please answer each question throughly as directed!!!

  • Respond to each item. Each response should be concise and between 2–3 paragraphs in length.
  • Use MS Word to write your responses, and submit your answers to all three questions in one Word document.
  • Copy and paste each question within the document, so that your Instructor can see which question you are responding to.
  1. Review the concepts of self-esteem and moral identity. Based on what you have learned in the text and your personal perspective, explain and defend whether you believe it is as important to help children develop a strong moral identity and base of values as it is to help children develop positive self-esteem.

  2. Review pages 240-242 in the course text. Describe a resilient child and explain how significant adults in children’s lives can help foster resilience.

  3. Review the different types of stressors for young children. Then write a scenario that describes a situation involving a preschool child who is experiencing a number of different stressors. Explain how an early childhood professional or another significant adult could help the child cope.

    Required Resources

    • Course Text:  Marion, M. (2015).  Guidance of young children  (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
      •  Chapter 7, “Self-Esteem and the Moral Self” (pp. 181-206)
      •  Chapter 8, “Feelings and Friends: Emotional and Social Competence” (pp. 207-237)
      •  Chapter 9, “Resilience and Stress in Childhood” (pp. 238-265)

    Optional Resources


Basic features

  • Free title page and bibliography
  • Unlimited revisions
  • Plagiarism-free guarantee
  • Money-back guarantee
  • 24/7 support

On-demand options

  • Writer's samples
  • Part-by-part delivery
  • Overnight delivery
  • Copies of used sources
  • Expert Proofreading

Paper format

  • 275 words per page
  • 12pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, CHicago/Turabian, Havard)

Guaranteed originality

We guarantee 0% plagiarism! Our orders are custom made from scratch. Our team is dedicated to providing you academic papers with zero traces of plagiarism.

Affordable prices

We know how hard it is to pay the bills while being in college, which is why our rates are extremely affordable and within your budget. You will not find any other company that provides the same quality of work for such affordable prices.

Best experts

Our writer are the crème de la crème of the essay writing industry. They are highly qualified in their field of expertise and have extensive experience when it comes to research papers, term essays or any other academic assignment that you may be given!

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