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flowerFor Week 2, you select will one from the two options to complete for the Week 2 Assignment: (1) Multi-Purpose Plants Assignment OR (2) Plant Answers Assignment.


(1) Multiple Purpose Plants Assignment – There are more than 300,000 species of plants that have been identified thus far. In addition to providing most of the oxygen for land animals, plants do many other things for us. For this chapter’s assignment, research the Internet and choose a way (other than providing oxygen) that plants are useful to humans, selecting ONE species of plant to discuss. Write a 250 word summary about that species of plant and the benefit you chose. Be sure to describe what type of plant it is. Where is it found? How is it beneficial to humans? What role does it play in the ecosystem, etc.? Do NOT copy and paste from the Internet. You are required to cite at least one reference (a reliable academic resource). You MAY use quotes from a source, but those quotes will NOT count towards your 250 word count requirement. Please do not plagiarize. If you use a quote, you MUST put quotation marks around it AND you MUST cite the source at the end of your post. It is NOT simply enough to put a source at the end. Do NOT use Wikipedia, Blurtit, Yahoo Answers or any open blog or open source where anyone can post responses and the information is not verified. These are unacceptable academic resources; be sure to use reliable resources of information and research carefully. Your Multiple Purpose Plant assignment MUST be submitted as a Word document (.doc or.docx) uploaded to the Submission area for the assignment by 11:59 p.m. ET Sunday of Week 2.


plant2 watermelon



(2) Plant Answers AssignmentIn a Word document, thoroughly answer the following questions and submit to the Week 2 Submission Area by 11:59 p.m. ET Sunday of Week 2.

1.Differentiate between primary and secondary growth as seen in plants.

2.Describe the function of roots in plants.

3.Describe how water and other molecules are transported throughout the plant.

4.Name and describe the function of the plant hormones discussed.

5.Differentiate between sexual and asexual reproduction in plants.


The Week 2 Assignment is the completion of one of the two options [(1) Multi-Purpose Plant Assignment OR (2) Plant Answers Assignment. The Week 2 Assignment is worth a maximum of 100 points.

For the Plant Multi-Purpose Assignment, will be scored in three areas: content, proper citation of resources used and grammar, punctuation and meeting the minimum word length requirements. The content is worth 80% of the total points (80 points); it must be written well, using proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. Proper APA citation of reference(s) using in-text citations AND end of essay complete APA formatted full references is worth 10% of the total points (10 points) and grammar/punctuation and meeting the minimum length requirement is the remaining 10% of the total points (10 points). If no references are cited, it is an automatic 10 point deduction.

For the Plant Answers Assignment, each question must be thoroughly addressed and answered corrected. All references used are required to be referenced properly per APA requirements with both in-text citations and references (in APA format) at the end of the assignment. If no references are cited, it is an automatic 10 point deduction. Responses should be a minimum of 4 – 6 sentences, thoroughly responding to and addressing the questions. Each question is worth a maximum of 20 points, and with 5 questions that totals 100 points for the Plant Answers Assignment [Note: proper reference c itation is incorporated into the total amount each question is worth].

The Week 2 assignment (Plant Multi-Purpose Assignment OR the Plant Answers Assignment) MUST be submitted as a Word document (.doc or.docx) and uploaded to the Submission Area for the Week 2 Assignment. A gradable file [Word document] must be submitted containing the Week 2 Assignment. If the submitted assignment is copied and pasted into the submission area, the grade of ‘0’ will be earned.

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