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In a 4–6 page paper summarize the purpose of the 10th Amendment and what powers are reserved to the states and which cases should be decided in state courts or federal courts. Additionally, discuss federal preemption and where in the Constitution federal preemption is discussed.

Analyze the following in your paper:

  1. Federal rights versus State rights. What a state’s Police Power allows states to do.

  2. Discussion of federal jurisdiction vs. state jurisdiction and the appeal process.

  3. At least four cases examples of cases tried in Federal Courts vs States.

You should also make sure to:

  • Include a title page with full name, class name, section number, and date

  • Include an introductory and concluding paragraph and demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English

  • Use examples to support your Discussion

  • Cite all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your paper and cited within the body of your paper using APA format

Lastly, please label your projects: username-project-unit#.doc. For example, a student named Tina Allen would name her file TAllen-AdminLaw-Unit8.doc. Submit your Assignment by selecting the Unit 8: Assignment in the Dropbox by the end of Unit 8.

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  • 275 words per page
  • 12pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, CHicago/Turabian, Havard)

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