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Part 1:

Write a 700- to 1,000-word paper and include the following:

Do a search of media reports on apparent strategic failures in the health care or biotechnology industries (e.g. divestment of a business, layoff of a large proportion of the workforce, very large losses over several years).

Pick one of the failure stories for which a substantial amount of information is available. Attempt to determine the cause of the failure. Was an inappropriate strategy selected in the first place? If so, exactly why was it inappropriate? Was a reasonably suitable strategy chosen, but then incompetently implemented? In exactly what ways was the implementation faulty?

Include a minimum of three peer-reviewed references, not including the textbook.

Format your paper consistent with APA 6th guidelines.

Part 2:

Write a 400- to 600-word paper and include the following:

You are the business manager of a fifteen-physician group practice in family medicine that a recent strategic planning retreat agreed to open a satellite clinic on the periphery of its current market area in order to increase the number of families that it serves. The clinic will be located in an area of somewhat older, rundown homes that seem to be undergoing slow but steady gentrification. The clinic initially will be staffed with three physicians and has a maximum capacity of ten doctors.

One of your responsibilities under the strategic plan to create the clinic is to establish a modest program for keeping track of the factors and variables that might affect the success of the clinic. To get started, prepare a list of ten to fifteen financial and non-financial metrics that you purpose to monitor, including the sources you will use to gather the necessary data. For each one of the metrics, indicate the directions in which they might change and the adjustments in the plan for the new clinic that would be necessary.

Include a minimum of two peer-reviewed references, not including the textbook.

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  • 275 words per page
  • 12pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, CHicago/Turabian, Havard)

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