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negotiation questions Do not worry about perfect writing style, minor errors, etc. focus on content. Section One. Multiple choice. Read each question, select the answer, and then briefly support why it is the best answer. Sample question: The process by which managers respond to opportunities and threats facing their organization by analyzing options and taking actions is known as: A) brainstorming B) intuition C) decision making D) bounded rationality Sample response: I chose C as the best answer. Decision making is a process of defining a problem, developing options that solve the problem and then choosing a solution and implementing it. Brainstorming is a tool managers can use to develop options, but stops short of analyzing the option (indeed, that is its beauty. Intuition, although a method people may choose between options (gut feelings), generally doesn’t involve analysis. Bounded rationality is not a process. 1. An example of the principles of persuasion is given by ISU’s Foundation. They solicit donations through their “Redbirds Give Back” campaign. This year when solicited, they sent me a pen to encourage me give again. They were relying on which principle to encourage my giving: A) B) C) D) liking consistency reciprocity scarcity 2. Long ago Aristotle proposed characteristics of a persuasive argument: ethos, logos, and pathos. Developing credibility through your expertise aligns most closely with the persuasion principle of: A) authority B) liking C) social proof D) consistency 3. The video “Star Wars” that you watched for class can best be described as: A) a great George Lucas film that chronicles the negotiating skills of its protagonist, Luke Skywalker B) a compilation of clips from Star Wars showing examples C) a discussion of negotiation strategies and tactics illustrated with examples from the Star Wars films D) none of the above 4. When third parties were involved such as, = “fill-in-the-blank” = negotiators were less susceptible to judgment biases and perceived the process as more value-creating and more fair. A) mediators B) lawyers C) observers 5. BATNA refers to A) the best way to ensure negotiation success B) the first step in the negotiation process C) a method of assessing your goals that is superior to ZOPA D) identifying your best alternative to a negotiated agreement 6. The way an issue if framed influences the way a party perceives the risk and behaves responding to it. Which of the following reflects the summary research on risk perception. A) negotiators should never frame anything as a loss B) people are more risk averse when a situation is framed as a loss and less risk averse when it is framed as a gain C) negotiators are able to remain indifferent to their perceptions of risk D) there are gender and age differences that can affect risk perception 7. Which of the following is not a recommendation from Fisher and Ury as a way to understand your counterpart’s thinking? A) B) C) D) Put yourself in their shoes Don’t deduce their intentions from your fears Don’t hold the other side responsible for your problems Try to change your counterpart’s long held beliefs 8. Shell (Bargaining for Advantage) suggests a situational matrix for understanding how to match situation, strategy and style. Which of the following is his recommendation for the Tacit Coordination quadrant. A) use when the importance of future relationships is low and the conflict over stakes is high B) use when the importance of future relationships is low and the conflict over stakes is low C) use in situations which require compromise or problem solving D) use for situations that are competitive in nature, such as market transactions 9. Brooks, in our reading for class, argues that negotiators focus on strategy and tactics and don’t pay enough attention to how emotions affect negotiations. Her recommendation can be summarized as: A) Anger can be a useful emotion to display in negotiations, if strategically managed. B) Excitement can lead a negotiator to overcommitment with negative consequences C) Individuals can manage their emotions. D) Recognize that you are human and feel emotions, plan and prepare your emotional strategy for negotiations. 10. I ran out of steam and could not think of a 10th question. Can you help? Write a True/False or multiple-choice question that I could use next semester. Be sure to indicate the correct answer. (you do not need to provide an example response) Section Two. Essay. Be sure to organize your thoughts. 1. Effective negotiation often hinges on the establishment of rapport and trust between parties. Discuss the importance of developing rapport with your counterpart in a negotiation and outline specific strategies you would employ to build trust and establish a positive relationship. Consider factors such as negotiation style, communication styles, and the role of active listening in fostering rapport. Provide examples from your negotiation scenarios in class or in “real life” to illustrate. 2. Explain the fundamental differences between distributive and integrative approaches to negotiation. Discuss the underlying principles of each strategy. When it is appropriate to employ each approach? How contextual factors such as time constraints, power dynamics, and relationship considerations may influence the choice between distributive and integrative negotiation tactics. Use examples to help explain. 3. Explain the concept of ZOPA (Zone of Possible Agreement) in negotiation theory. Define what ZOPA represents and explain how it is determined within the negotiation process. Does it really help or could it serve as an anchor and constrain the creativity of possible solutions. Use examples to help explain.

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