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  Common Disorders of Blood Clotting vs. Normal

A gelatinous or semisolid mass of coagulation blood is known as a blood clot. Also when bleeding stops this may be a sign of aa blood clot. Blood clots is a mass of Blood that changes from liquid to gel like or semisolid state. When a clot forms inside your vein it won’t always dissolve on it’s on. They may form in the deep blood vessels,  most common in the leg and groin area. When proteins and particles in your blood cling together  (platelets) to form a blood clot. The process of forming a clot is known as coagulation. In the process of a normal injury coagulation is very important in which it helps stop a cut from bleeding and begins the healing process. It is normal for some blood clots during an injury because it keeps away a massive blood loss.Note that the blood should never clot when only moving through the body. 


Now when you should worry is when you reach a hypercoagulable states. This can be dangerous and is not normal, for anyone’s sake if not noticed or treated correctly. A hypercoagulable are blood clots to any excessive degree. Most in hypercoagulable states have a higher chance of Blood clots forming in the arteries and veins. Blood clots in the arteries can increase your chances for heart attack, stroke, severe leg pain, difficulty walking, or even the loss of a limb. If blood clots occur in the veins that can pass through the bloodstream and cause deep vein thrombosis or a pulmonary embolus ( a blood clot in the lungs.) These aare not normal clots and may cause serious injury even death. Hypercoagulable states are usually genetic or acquired conditions. Acquired conditions are usually caused by surgery, trauma, medications or even medical conditions. Genetic form is a person is born that way with the risk of blood clots. Most likely it’s in their genes. 


I recommend to always know the symptoms of blood clots you never know as you see it doesn’t have to be inherited. So be on the look out for pain, redness, an swelling mostly in the legs.Now if you have chest pain, shortness of breath, and rapid pulse or breathing this could be a sign of a blood clot in the lung.

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